Friday, August 29, 2008

Jenna Jameson Piercing?

A Flower máis grande do Yako

[...] Who says that one day I will not read again the story, written by you or me, but much prettier [. ..]

What if the children's stories were required reading for adults?

Would we really able to learn what, for a long time we have taught? José Saramago

seems that happiness has decided to give me back this week completely, but adrift in a sea of \u200b\u200bdisappointment, sadness and tears I found a treasure island with a brilliant story has given me ... Thanks.

A story of rare beauty, filled with symbols and enigmas. In it there are two messages, one for children (the discovery, courage, altruism) and one for all men and women who wonder about their place in the world. Address Juan Pablo Etcheverry

and the best is that this story was born in Ferrol.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Dogs Hair Grows Back White

The harshness of life strikes back with force the doors of my soul ...

unfortunate accident that has you so hurt and shattered by my side.

Sorry I did not have someone to pray tonight, just hope that all I hear cries are a sign that everything will go well, my tears mean that soon we will return to walk along this same field on the way home ... Mood

small ...


How Does Hymen Look Like

world and another

bicho lluvia

[...] And when the evening could not be more dark, it started raining [...]

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Kitchenaid Pieces Montreal

A sketch


age fed how wonderful it is passing in front of life, while inner growth ...

As summer is slowing am more aware of the wonderful people around me ... Thanks

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Jt Tac 5 Adjusts The Speed Of Fire

And sitting beside him said ...


[...] And sitting beside him said one sentence:

- The sun is burning every day to announce his joy in each sunrise comes a new day .

- But, why not burn when it gets dark? - Asked girls.

- It is all very sad and tired.

- Why sad?

- Because you will be able to see until tomorrow [...]

© Paula Sánchez Martínez

I have to apologize for uploading it, but I could not resist ... I love this story ... you're an artist like the top of a pine. Thousand kisses.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Nikki Sixx Carnivail Of Sins Hat



but nothing ..... back to the load!

A facelift of the blog and some stuff that folks are already simmering in photoshop ... Long live

my lack of willpower ...! VIVA! (As I will)

A hug