Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Large Mucus Discharge Out Of Nose

A Christmas Triptych

And finally I can climb the outside of the triptych ...

Yesterday I started school practices in a center of my city and I'm having a fantastic experience in arts education ... yesterday I was looking at the layout of several children and trying to apply what I've read all those books where you are and how to explain how children feel and girls through their drawings ... I'm looking forward to receive some gifts and to upload: D


Monday, November 17, 2008

Can You Take Excedrin With Meloxicam

poster placard marching

So here I leave the first of the signs that I have worked these months ... some for competitions, others for courses ...

Pd. Still accepting stories: D

Ti decides Natureza

Carballo Award - CXG

Friday, November 14, 2008

Mario Salieri 2010 Online

Al rich

And lately all I do are signs, posters and more posters (just like me for my body: D)

begin The meeting (which will take me a few days) with a sign that I submitted to a competition with my good friend Lucia Domenech . Was the topic of HIV prevention and inside I knew that we had almost no opportunities for the style (and poorly drafted that it was too), but what we laughed at the idea ... no one takes us: D

Fagamolo como gal

Monday, November 10, 2008

Treatment For A Broken Humourous Bone

Where have you been sir? Details

A small holiday in Brussels not shared with 400 young Europeans have allowed me to recharge your batteries and come back with a lot of projects among the most beautiful hands ... no doubt a book for Christmas ... I'll show you a bit as I go left. Brussels

like something out of a futuristic film: D
