Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Where Can I Find Spanish Skirts

As promised here so here I am, introducing Kitty amigurumi (actually is the first amigurumi I do).

I did thanks to the patterns that we find in his blog Luna are barbarians, and I understood why Quelu in the results page (they are in Japanese), visit them, they have some beautiful things and a thousand thanks! (Can go through of my favorite blogs)

This is for my friend Kitty SOLE that I love, is fanatiquísima Kitty, I know a person more fanatical than her, so here I hope you like.
Well, I send a kiss

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Stetson China 22 Kt Gold

crochet but I am here, I DO NOT FUIII

The truth is not hard to do all along? I started working, so my home, at work, my daughters, my husband and my hobbies over ... they can not be updating the blog daily.
blogs I go to see friends but I'm lazy to write mine. Now I'm
Amigurumi Kitty in a gift that I am Sole preparing for my great friend who is a fan. I'm already finished, so I put the last detail and I am again with paper and boxes that strange because my mother calls me (is that if we do not together ...). As soon as I finish
show photos.
A large besote y. .. I'M HERE.