Saturday, July 17, 2010

Why Can You Not Buy A Platypus?

Hello! Finally here after so long. Are we taking up again our paper production to poco.Anduvimos engaged in some things they did we leave aside for a while the paper. Just do well to take a vacation, right?
Today we show you another thing ... some souvenirs that finally ended with my sister Pato. Milena unborn already and we still see we were on. Finally almost finished because my niece was born.
stars are painted with acrylic on fibrofacil very easy to make. The back
has stuck a magnet. The idea is to present them in a box fribrofacil also painted the same color and with the same star.
Here is a view from above At the door of the sanatorium, once born Milena, will also be placed on canvas the star made his name in composé with souvenirs. They were pretty not? now expected to arise fat!. Mariela A kiss


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