Friday, November 5, 2010

Power Consumptionpedestal Fan

Oranges scented violet petals

How are girls? At last on the weekend. Today I want mostrasles

boxes I made with orange peels. As I had to squeeze more, I thought I would be immune to colds but apparently did not work. Like it was already forgotten.

is not easy to do since, according to their type, when a turn is the ajean and break easily so here was disappointing that, after I had indigestion so orange, and with the expectation to give them back, ta ta ta so ... break!

But worth a try, they are very pretty and decorative.

I transform them into candles, placed them citrus essence and truth, with the natural aroma of orange, were wonderful.

cap used to decorate the pumpkin seeds and coffee to assemble flowers are also very nice and make an excellent combination with the orange.

Hope you like the idea.

I send a great big kiss and happy weekend !!!!!!!! Mariela



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