The failure, is a possibility we must accept, but we must never take it for granted, we must keep trying until success. Whenever we start a project, take it into account, may fail to accept that because we are human, but as we fail, perseverance can lead us to get anything.
Many times you may try again and again to do something, and I do not mean only to the cosplay, eg in life can come to despair trying to learn another language (as the English), leading to the degree that we end up hating that language.

Many times we try something and we do not, there's a voice inside us that says, desist, leave, you can not why do you keep trying?, make case or not these voices depend on everyone, but the truth is, not everyone can get things at first, and it is easy to despair in the attempt.
We are not perfect machines that can do what they are programmed without error, mistakes are part of our nature, through trial and error testing is based science as well, so if you are wrong in trying to do something, do not be discouraged, and as I said this is not limited to cosplay, is for life in general, at school, at home, with friends, with our partners, while living, working, in the cosplay, etc., practice makes perfect.

I've broken acrylic, PET, wood, and I constantly despair, in fact I am so desperate that if I can do something in the first attempts I decided to quit, I'm working on my patience, constant practice in developing cosplay, I have made much good, can see the progress in the quality right? Lol or at least I like to think so.
Remember not despair if you can not do things first, practice and practice, all started well, luck and have to continue improving.
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