Sunday, September 30, 2007
What Stores Have Layaway 2010
In a more typical of elementary school children than grown men, the great dancer Baryshnikov and our Mohawk make a bet.
Monday, September 17, 2007
What Does Nipple Piercing Mean
Documentary salsa on one of the biggest names in the universe tomakandela
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Traditional Baptist Church Hymns
New delivery
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Inserire Pro Action Replay In Hd Loader
For if, as you can breathe easy: Adrian has finally decided that the best thing for everyone is not denouncing. In this video we explains the reasons for such a wise decision.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Blog Travesti Camila Rodrigues
Well, we all knew that sooner or later this would happen. But just you, Adrian, my son?
"Dear Lord Surveysun:
We communicate with you to forward the criminal court summons number 123-3 A, with physical address at Calle Gran Via 122 2 º bjs in the city of Barcelona.
The reason for this early notice is to inform you that Mr. Adrian Rodriguez Carbajal, brand representative ADRIAN Y ANITA (all rights reserved) has filed a lawsuit for unlawful use of the trademark without asking permission or paying royalties.
On several occasions the applicant states (with strong physical evidence)
the defendant, or you, Mr. Sun, Survey, has benefited from using images, videos, and free baby steps, ADRIAN Y ANITA ( All rights reserved) without appropriate authorization.
come the day is not marked at the estimated time (September 1, 2007 12:44 pm)
pass the appropriate facts primarily from his blog "" (with all esupideses characteristics is inside.)
If we do not see no positive reaction on their part, continue with the appropriation of the Web, we know that is not theirs at all but to this day, you, owns 75% of the shares, leaving him , the other 25%, Mr. JAVIRULO and monkey hair up.
Finally and as a last action, if not cooperate, we will take the paper bag, administering a plastic bag, preferibelemnte of MERCADONA, we know that would seriously damage its reputation ...
hope you will understand our situation and remind you that we have a 10% discount on document procedure for illegal immigrants, and the DVD, ADRIAN Y ANITA (all rights reserved)
No more waiting for reply ... good day
Lawyers Claims Procedures-Salsa-TV
septiebre 3, 2007

" Lord "Adrian, you know I'll get to the bottom of this matter and will know what is behind all this. And believe me you will not enjoy.
PD acknowledge that what scares me most is the picture of intimidation
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Diagram Of A P E N Is
Thanks to the talent of some tomakandela Forero (Mohawk, Bafia, DJ Tigre y. .. ahem ... surveysun) have been uncovered certainly seems reasonable in the salsa world. If you want to visit the subject, here is the link:
Here is a short video of ghosts until now:
Monday, August 27, 2007
Birthday Wishes To Boss From The Team
My agent called me very concerned this morning, apparently this blog I usually read 18 people. It seems to me a lot, but he did not. He told me that I can be resourceful, that by the end of the year I have to reach 20 as readers.
This has forced me to publish a weekly post for the general public: falls, beatings, sex ... In short, those things they sell.
have to fuck, who I would say that to make money would have to go back into prostitution ...
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
How To Make A Double D Ring Belt
My computer is on its last throes, the poor.

Each person who makes a donation will choose a letter of the alphabet. At the end you can only use to write in my blog the letters they have chosen the kind investors.
Example: Javirulo and Salsabomber just donated, and choose " or " and "s ." I could write, for example:
come Marian, Er Sauce and Tali and buy the b, c and r:
and so on.
As I have understood, this year the alphabet has twenty-peak points or so.
Thanks in advance.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Public Masterbation On A Bus
Here one of the best known parables in Western culture: that of the prostitute and the soldiers entrepreneurs.
welcome discussions about its meaning, I can never understand.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Arthralgias And Myalgias
heart program recently invited a tomakandela Forero. Here is the uncut interview.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Anti Slogans On Soft Drink
Well, back from my vacation I find two super-salsa news:
- premiere of "The Simpsons, the movie" Adrian and Anita
- win the world championship in Puerto Rico
As I'm too lazy to write two different articles, I decided to join them into one:
My most sincere congratulations to the champions
NOTE: Adrian y Anita have been Simpsonized page from a real photo. Javirulo however, so recently erected.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Fleetwood Doublewide Electric Wiring Schematic
That's right, the blog has decided to pick a well deserved holiday. And I also take this opportunity to cogermelas, you pussy!.
If all goes well during the month of July just write (that would mean that I get bored too), but in August I will return with new content:
- thousand and one stories about salsa (some real)
- photos committed (none of them true)
- personal attacks world-renowned dancers
and everything that has made this blog so popular in places like Burlada, where it has been in 15 th place in the "My Own Blog: having fun learning to write (preschool only)"
also write about sex. After all: who better qualified than I to talk about it, I've seen millions of films on this subject, with dialogue and everything?
Happy holidays!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Does Steel Seal Work ?
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Buying Gold Bars In Dubai
the other day watching my servants to organize the storage room I found this photo. Corresponds to 2 degrees of Bachelor in Kindergarten Moderators Futures, Wisconsin (USA), a long long time.
- Cristina : was the list of the class is always wise lesson. Today can be visited in . But do not trust the angelic face ... hehe
- chinchulin : if, as now it was small and if had the same weird things. Not now acts as moderator, thank God. If you are not very strict with spelling, you can read in the forum Cristina.
- La Morena : always suspended for "moderation and good manners", so had to settle with being a professional dancer (YE MAMBO or something, not sure). In what promised this girl, what a pity! ...
- Javirulo : with its eternal beanie pulled down over his eyebrows, was the macarrilla who stole the sandwiches to the other children at recess. He kicked out of school, but now poses as a moderator in . Attention Challenge: Who is the handsome sauce is a forum in Spain where he did not write this guy? Adrian
- : and then took the queues that have become so popular. Have a website, but has no forum to moderate (Chincha, Rabbi!, So many years in the school of moderation for that ...)
- Salsópata : the creator of the salsasección in little already liked partnerships. At school he formed the "Mini Salsa Tribe," which was dedicated to climbing the skirts of girls making money and more money to the rhythm Fania discs.
- Jennifer Lopez, who was going to tell her that after her divorce from Marc Anthony chitterlings was going to marry his first love. Andoni
- : After many years looking for work in thousands of forums, in the end created . His Machiavellian plans include expanding the scope of the site covering topics such as interior design and tuning (which is what has always molado).
- Mama Inés : you can read in . Not to get too close to it if they will not suddenly acquire a great culture salsa (it is said that a Yogurt Sauce knowledge conveyed by osmosis, but he then lost mongómosis)
- Luismi : the bad kind (see him on the face), adopted by the hair and you plugged in . His leap to popularity came to be proclaimed "hot guy of the year" on page Sexyono.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Unblock Farmville News Posts
Here is the long awaited second part of the story of Eduardo NoMongoTijeras, that boy determined to plead not mongo though the world thinks otherwise.
Monday, June 4, 2007
Tridacna Gigas In The Philippines
Well, the meeting ended and we left a lot of key decisions for the future. You must not know because your life would be in serious danger. But that I care very little more and so I am going to reveal.
As a main point, we decided unanimously to raise the salary of the moderators. Apart from expenditure on hairdressing, manicure and solarium, as heretofore.
also decided that Andoni was in charge of supply of good wine all future meetings, in charge of the page.

Thursday, May 31, 2007
Free Frequency Tv Astra Hindi
top-secret information only to readers of this blog: next Saturday, due to the salsoteca Barañain, we have scheduled a summit meeting. Nothing less than Andoni "The Director", javirulo "The all-star no mongo" and surveysun "cielito call me" to discuss the state of the nation, I say ... of Tomakandela.
The agenda presents exciting, far-reaching issues that affect us all and determine the direction of our most beloved website.
No doubt there will be tensions, will probably have to resort to fists (as in previous meetings).
What major decisions were taken at this meeting? Did someone finally expelled from the board? Do you impose on your monguez Yogurt Sauce? Who will be given the special gift to the 10,000 th post?
The answer in this same place, within a few days
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Denium Maternity Jumpers
Eduardo: "scissors in their hands yes, but I am not stating that mongo eh?
Eduardo had learned
to capitalize on their unique gift (I mean what the scissors, not to be not mongo) and was cutting hair happy people of the village.
Javirulo: "just a little tips eh? "
He was fully integrated into their community ... if it were not no girl wanted to dance with him what he liked best.
Boy: "But sauce ... I mean Edward, who will want you to dance salsa with those scissors in your hands?. Pegaditas bachata Baila man! Haha"
Eduardo: "I repeat that I am not mongo, never will dance bachata. na'ma Leather '!"
However, one day ...
Friday, May 25, 2007
Firewire 800 To Ethernet Adapter
The issue is simple: you put a blindfold over her eyes and begins to dance with your partner. What are the Risks? You know who you start, but never who you just ...
Marc Anthony: "thanks to Dancing in the Dark, I can dance with more than Bomber Salsa bachata Pegaditas. At the end, what price the sky!"
Aznar: "Javirulo brings me much smoother than Ann Viva Dancing in the Dark! (See you) "
Godzilla: " Javirulo always been my favorite fictional character, thanks to Dancing in the Dark I can dance with him "
seems that the new method has a great acceptance among the less fortunate. But the thing would go away?
I will keep you informed
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Audio Drivers For Dell Gx620 Windows 7
Many children
"Lord Surveysun, is difficult to moderate a forum like , with so many disparate personalities and the natural tendency seem to have all the forochateo? "
Well, the answer is not simple. I have prepared a video education which is in full fatigues me. I must say that my mother tongue is German, but I have taken the trouble of subtitling for everyone to understand and evaluate work as hard as we play well as I javirulo .
Very Short Signature Love Quotes
I think since I was little wood stalker. It's no wonder that, once inside the world of salsa, my nature-famous crop stalks. So, taking advantage of a little incident, I wrote an email to Adrian y Anita. Damn, is that they give their email address in the conference and are set out in its web. They deserve riffraff like me stupid I write mails!.
extract my message:
"Good morning, handsome
(...) The bad part is trying one of the acrobatics leg fractured taught us a girl, I have given your address and phone number for your lawyer will contact you (...)"
reading my mail
not only sold the DVD, but that convinced him to leave the legal profession and is dedicated to mambo.
Adrian After taking statements from the judge, however, preferred the LA style salsa