Sunday, May 27, 2007

Denium Maternity Jumpers

Eduardo NoMongoTijeras (Part I)

Erase a small boy but a large heart that had the name ... say Eduardo. Eduardo was not a boy like the others, and that had scissors instead of fingers.

Eduardo: "scissors in their hands yes, but I am not stating that mongo eh?

Eduardo had learned

to capitalize on their unique gift (I mean what the scissors, not to be not mongo) and was cutting hair happy people of the village.

Javirulo: "just a little tips eh? "

He was fully integrated into their community ... if it were not no girl wanted to dance with him what he liked best.

Boy: "But sauce ... I mean Edward, who will want you to dance salsa with those scissors in your hands?. Pegaditas bachata Baila man! Haha"

Eduardo: "I repeat that I am not mongo, never will dance bachata. na'ma Leather '!"

However, one day ...


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