Thursday, May 31, 2007

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Meeting Meeting

top-secret information only to readers of this blog: next Saturday, due to the salsoteca BaraƱain, we have scheduled a summit meeting. Nothing less than Andoni "The Director", javirulo "The all-star no mongo" and surveysun "cielito call me" to discuss the state of the nation, I say ... of Tomakandela.

The agenda presents exciting, far-reaching issues that affect us all and determine the direction of our most beloved website.

No doubt there will be tensions, will probably have to resort to fists (as in previous meetings).

What major decisions were taken at this meeting? Did someone finally expelled from the board? Do you impose on your monguez Yogurt Sauce? Who will be given the special gift to the 10,000 th post?

The answer in this same place, within a few days


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