Thursday, May 31, 2007

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Meeting Meeting

top-secret information only to readers of this blog: next Saturday, due to the salsoteca Barañain, we have scheduled a summit meeting. Nothing less than Andoni "The Director", javirulo "The all-star no mongo" and surveysun "cielito call me" to discuss the state of the nation, I say ... of Tomakandela.

The agenda presents exciting, far-reaching issues that affect us all and determine the direction of our most beloved website.

No doubt there will be tensions, will probably have to resort to fists (as in previous meetings).

What major decisions were taken at this meeting? Did someone finally expelled from the board? Do you impose on your monguez Yogurt Sauce? Who will be given the special gift to the 10,000 th post?

The answer in this same place, within a few days

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Denium Maternity Jumpers

Eduardo NoMongoTijeras (Part I)

Erase a small boy but a large heart that had the name ... say Eduardo. Eduardo was not a boy like the others, and that had scissors instead of fingers.

Eduardo: "scissors in their hands yes, but I am not stating that mongo eh?

Eduardo had learned

to capitalize on their unique gift (I mean what the scissors, not to be not mongo) and was cutting hair happy people of the village.

Javirulo: "just a little tips eh? "

He was fully integrated into their community ... if it were not no girl wanted to dance with him what he liked best.

Boy: "But sauce ... I mean Edward, who will want you to dance salsa with those scissors in your hands?. Pegaditas bachata Baila man! Haha"

Eduardo: "I repeat that I am not mongo, never will dance bachata. na'ma Leather '!"

However, one day ...

Friday, May 25, 2007

Firewire 800 To Ethernet Adapter

Dancing in the Dark

This extreme form of dance was popularized by the brothers Rulo (javirulo Bomber Sauce) beyond the year 2007, though historians can not agree on whether it was in San Sebastian or Logroño.

The issue is simple: you put a blindfold over her eyes and begins to dance with your partner. What are the Risks? You know who you start, but never who you just ...

Marc Anthony: "thanks to Dancing in the Dark, I can dance with more than Bomber Salsa bachata Pegaditas. At the end, what price the sky!"

Aznar: "Javirulo brings me much smoother than Ann Viva Dancing in the Dark! (See you) "

Godzilla: " Javirulo always been my favorite fictional character, thanks to Dancing in the Dark I can dance with him "

seems that the new method has a great acceptance among the less fortunate. But the thing would go away?

I will keep you informed

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Audio Drivers For Dell Gx620 Windows 7


Many children
the street ask me:

"Lord Surveysun, is difficult to moderate a forum like , with so many disparate personalities and the natural tendency seem to have all the forochateo? "

Well, the answer is not simple. I have prepared a video education which is in full fatigues me. I must say that my mother tongue is German, but I have taken the trouble of subtitling for everyone to understand and evaluate work as hard as we play well as I javirulo .

Very Short Signature Love Quotes


I think since I was little wood stalker. It's no wonder that, once inside the world of salsa, my nature-famous crop stalks. So, taking advantage of a little incident, I wrote an email to Adrian y Anita. Damn, is that they give their email address in the conference and are set out in its web. They deserve riffraff like me stupid I write mails!.

extract my message:

"Good morning, handsome
(...) The bad part is trying one of the acrobatics leg fractured taught us a girl, I have given your address and phone number for your lawyer will contact you (...)"

Adrian y Anita
reading my mail

The next day Adrian came the reply in my inbox:


not only sold the DVD, but that convinced him to leave the legal profession and is dedicated to mambo.

Adrian After taking statements from the judge, however, preferred the LA style salsa