Monday, December 27, 2010

Whats Happened To Wifelovers

The usefulness of a SAL-SAL

Girls! How they spent Christmas? I thank all the greetings we received for the holidays! I hope the have a great time and next to yours.

Today I want to show the usefulness of the stuff we did in Salt decoupage organized by Mary.
The first challenge was to make a wreath with flags in decoupage, alluding to the Christmas and this was ...
The second challenge was to make a cloud with the same technique. I used them in topiary I made for gifts, and placed as close the wrapper, and was well ...

And finally, the third challenge was to make paper boxes with interesting ways, and I did this and also adds some tags ... Again I want to thank Mary for this opportunity and also wanted to show that everything was done in this wonderful SAL had its utility.
On the other hand wanted to invite the exchange I organized at my blog wool, thread and needle
Come and know what it is, it's interesting for those we love the embroidery ...
You can imagine that it is.
I send a big kiss and thanks for reading! Mariela

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Doujin Naruto Futanari

My third challenge Decoupage

Hello guys! como andan? In a short Christmas!
Today I wanted to show the third and final challenge of salt organized decoupage Mary.
wanted to thank the patience and willingness to all for the explanations and deadlines.
The works are beautiful, I will invite you to visit your blog which is very nice and interesting.
For my part I show the boxes that I

was a beautiful experience! Thank you Mary.

I also on behalf of my mother and myself wish you a Merry Christmas! and that the birth of the child Jesus bring us love and peace. A big kiss to all! Mariela Ester and

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Free Rom Pokemon Soul Silver With Anti-freeze

the 2nd Goal decoupage SAL

Hi girls! finally gave the "simil scrap " haha, it seems like the note and tell me the job. Now I have to make a third party, COMPLETED BY GOD !!!!, MAS was the longest course of my life but it's worth, that's what matters.
Well, us ... wanted to show you today the second objective of this SAL as original. We had to make a decoupage labels. Barbarian came to me that goal because I will use the gifts to do for Christmas.
The truth being made a beautiful work of all participants . If you are interested can view the page Mary Well, I guess the next post I will show you the third and final challenge.
I send a big kiss and among us, this is the only salt made in a timely manner. Mariela

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Most Effective Pre Workout Supplement

Scrap o. .. Salt

Hi girls! First forgiveness for being so lost, the truth is that I got into a one million things and I also work is suing the remaining energy I have.
I want to show something I did, but First I (and capital) to apologize to the genius of this art because I tried to do something well as a scrap ... I thought it would be easy but the truth is that I went as I would have liked.
I'm doing a coaching course and some of the points of the final work was to develop a reflection using the resource you wanted.
I thought, of course, something done with my hands and devise a mini album.
I clarify, I never scrap and only know him through pictures of some blogs, so here did not even know what role to use ... well ... there is ... promise will not laugh ...

This is the cover, I made micro corrugated cardboard, rubber letters with eva and after paper flowers The second sheet is a recycled paper bags store that had a print very nice and glued them on cardboard, this meant that remain quite resilient. There may can see two tags decorated with ribbons and wooden beads. That saves you see red also the hit and made him a short paper.
The third sheet of paper made with handmade made by me, I printed a picture of Tonucci and will also add a phrase printed on different paper. Cale sheet and hit some slips drafts.
The fourth leaf also made with handmade paper and pasted a picture with the kids, a picture of mafalda and a sentence written in my letter in another paper, also hit a simulated clip that attaches to the sentence. And finally the conclusion also is printed on another sheet and put a picture of my partner with me. hold everything with tape.
Actually I hope he likes to which I will evaluate and understand not of scrap , hahaha.
good, I send a big kiss and next post I will show you the third challenge of decoupage salt. Besote
a big thanks for reading!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Imtoo User Name And License


Hi girls! so long! as they have been? I organized some work.
Today I want to show the work presented for decoupage salt. Was to make a wreath that was contain a certain amount of flags made decoupage. and it came out ...

papers I used are all related to Christmas, of course the quality of the picture, not describe.
I liked the final product, we must now make the second challenge to the show when it ends.
Thanks girls for reading, and post messages or simply for stopping by our blog.
Thanks! Mariela

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Different Kinds Of Business Agreements

SAL decoupage decoupage

girls, do not miss the salt that is organizing Maria in his blog seemed super original. have time to sign up until November 15 so here apurennnnnnn!
I send a big kiss

Friday, November 5, 2010

Power Consumptionpedestal Fan

Oranges scented violet petals

How are girls? At last on the weekend. Today I want mostrasles

boxes I made with orange peels. As I had to squeeze more, I thought I would be immune to colds but apparently did not work. Like it was already forgotten.

is not easy to do since, according to their type, when a turn is the ajean and break easily so here was disappointing that, after I had indigestion so orange, and with the expectation to give them back, ta ta ta so ... break!

But worth a try, they are very pretty and decorative.

I transform them into candles, placed them citrus essence and truth, with the natural aroma of orange, were wonderful.

cap used to decorate the pumpkin seeds and coffee to assemble flowers are also very nice and make an excellent combination with the orange.

Hope you like the idea.

I send a great big kiss and happy weekend !!!!!!!! Mariela


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Can A Torn Rotator Cuff Cause Wrist Pain


Hi Girls!! Today I wanted to show a box made with handmade paper made with purple petals (my favorite color). At the top I placed a rose also made with handmade paper matching purple and that really makes it very sensitive.
I hope you like it, I made for friends of exchange in which I participated.
Here is the show open ... I send a kiss

John Frieda Hair Glaze

Loli and Lage, Lage and arranged

Lage Loli and marry because they want to,
Loli Lage and marry because they love, and Lage Loli
married (to each other, of course),
Lage and marry and Loli so this drawing,
so all my best wishes.

you want is a world

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Are The Avengers Comics Worth Anything?

Hi girls! como andan? Today we talk
paper drying. Actually
Drying is an easy step to do but we do so with care and without anxiety because this is the final moment of the process and if we make a mistake then we will see the final result.
Each role has its drying time will depend on the amount of water that has become pressing as well as the climate that we live.
We're going to tell us how we ... Many advise, once pressed, dry the paper with an iron, because here we differ, why? fact accelerate the drying does (at least in our case), the paper is double with ruffles , which is why we the dry them like a garment. We hung out the role of the press by the interlining like a shirt and then wait as long as possible until completely dry.
not out of the interlining when moist air balloons because they appear then, once dry, makes bent and uneven.
Once dry, they are removed from the interlining CAREFULLY, and placed on a flat and weighing up to go take evenly. Finally I keep
in sheets to retain their shape. I hope that
they have served the thing tutorial.Cualquier ask !!!!!
A besote great for all and thanks for visiting. Mariela

Monday, August 30, 2010

Digital Copy Of Nick And Norah

drying paper How to make handmade paper? Marjorie

Hi Girls!
Today I want to show how to make handmade paper. In fact there are many blogs that talk about this issue but I wanted to make a tutorial . Develop
role is not difficult, but requires a lot of technique, patience and trial and error. The first few times go wrong, you have to do it again, pulling the flesh back in the water, sometimes come with "striae " (as we call it) and also serves other sometimes very thick or very thin.
What you should know is that according to what we want, we may cost more or less production.
To begin, we need materials that can buy or make a way home ...

Here is the sieve : consists of two parts: a measurement framework in which we make the paper and another frame but this time with a fabric "net" of the same size (exact ) of the frame.
should be as sufficiently large high, wide and long to allow us to enter the screen and work in depth without pro problems. The mine is plastic.
press: in this case are two blocks of wood (coarse) or n as exceeding the size of our future role, remember that this is we will the thickness of our role. Along with the timber 4 brackets like butterflies to adjust on 4 sides of the timber.
interlining : this is a fabric that we per allows placing the paper and then dry.

Having prepared the material we work processing. I gave it
Stingo in two parts: the actual development and pressed by hand and dried by the other.
Today we will see the actual development and pressing.

For this we must first prepare the pulp.
We put in a water container with hand-cut paper. Suggest if we want to we place white paper white paper without any registration because then it us to stain the paper and tend to be with tonalities d greyish .
This paper should be immersed for a few hours, I do not boil nor leave days. If you want to do in the afternoon I put it in the early morning is not necessary so long.
When we see that this paper is embedded, we crush. For this we need a blender , it's easier (I did before with a mini pimer but with the blender going faster). (Do not use it for cooking but for making paper, ja That's why I criticize, do not believe that.)
It puts flesh it slowly and with plenty of water to avoid destroying the mixer and will be consistent with this ...
TIP: do not let the flesh submerged in water for many days because it rots (as I did). If you are not going to be able to use after a week, escurranla . Give a little bit

not print? but the touch is pretty re feeling of softness it has.

Once we have the flesh, we are able to make paper. So far it is easy?
Well, what comes is comfortable and producer piacere. This is the time of the inclusions, ie placing flower petals or whatever you want on paper. They can do this in a recipient with the pulp, or once submerged in the trough .
Here we see the flesh with the inclusions did. I placed the pan with water, and then the pulp. How to calculate the amount of pulp that I need? that what you see, must have reference to a container as a cup, and be putting in a bit. The first time is likely to require several paper cups to get the desired thickness, but with a single cup is not enough. I put the Pirma get 3 to 4 large cups and then I placed one at a time, but that depends on the thickness you want.
Once I added inclusions " massaging" the water with the pulp, ie, I make moves so that the pulp will moving and not submerged; took the sieve, put on under under the fly (top going under solo) and make a move so I'm dipping the bottom sieve up, 90 degrees to be at 180 Do you understand? to see if they appreciate in the picture? Come? I go by little dipping the sieve until you see the flesh is in it. Should be provided so and couples

Fijense that under no fabric is up and holding paper is to fly. Once done
wring you to get the excess water, this of course is done with much care and delicacy.

Here are the sieve without up under . Once done, we put the paper on a flat surface. How we do it? We or not the LOCK is wood, put a newspaper and an interlining up this role. A Once this is done to put the sieve so that the paper is on the interlining ...
So it should be. Once you do this step, with a canvas try absorb water (you should be such that we use for kitchen). We go back and forth, slowly and carefully. With the finger, we emphasize all the contours to be taking off the paper.
Once done, you remove the strainer ... Fijate that I take on one side, and look if they are not being bits of paper stuck, if so, replace the bottom screen with your finger and squeeze the cloth mosquito net. Do not worry about the first paper, it usually is discarded because it goes wrong, but the second it comes out better.
Once I remove the strainer, placed a interlining up the paper and slowly and carefully, step by hand to crush and prep plowing the area for the next paper ...
Once all the paper I wanted, I press it .
Put the other wood block over the last interlining. Volume butterfly hardware and placed one on each side of the wood. I advise you do this in a place where you can drain the water, because although we have taken liquid left and muchooooo , so here hacelo in the yard, I'll tell you why ...

After that you place a vertical press to drain all the water go and go! wait a little while to get the paper !

BEAUTY Hint: Once you've finished all make yourself a good moisturizing cream in the hands because you ruin a lot.
How to clean the items of work: First
must take the role was in the trough. How? footage pulp dryer, place a cotton canvas and go little by little, putting the excess paper with water, that will allow water to drain, never throw the paper in the drain pipe and throw it in the toilet !!!!!!
And then the rest washed with water.
Any questions you have been let me know, so I can clarify.
I hope they serve. Mariela


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Over Bathtub Window Curtain

Hi girls.
'm Esther, I come because usually the writer is Mariela.
I love working on paper, as well as modeling Porcelain is my other passion.
I'm always wondering what new thing to incorporate in the paper that is original and we can use it in different things.
We're thinking of the holidays so that future work will be focused on them. Papers
boxes, souvenirs etc to line.
As soon as some of our production we will see, here on our blog.
I send a kiss to all our fans. Ester

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Cooking With A Brick Dutch Oven

Thanks !!!!! Estrellitas

This entry is to thank our friend Marjorie this recognition makes us so nice to be his followers ... is a pleasure to have you as a follower also.
A big baby!
and Mariela Ester

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Why Can You Not Buy A Platypus?

Hello! Finally here after so long. Are we taking up again our paper production to poco.Anduvimos engaged in some things they did we leave aside for a while the paper. Just do well to take a vacation, right?
Today we show you another thing ... some souvenirs that finally ended with my sister Pato. Milena unborn already and we still see we were on. Finally almost finished because my niece was born.
stars are painted with acrylic on fibrofacil very easy to make. The back
has stuck a magnet. The idea is to present them in a box fribrofacil also painted the same color and with the same star.
Here is a view from above At the door of the sanatorium, once born Milena, will also be placed on canvas the star made his name in composé with souvenirs. They were pretty not? now expected to arise fat!. Mariela A kiss