drying paper How to make handmade paper? Marjorie Hi Girls!
Today I want to show how to make handmade paper. In fact there are many blogs that talk about this issue but I wanted to make a tutorial
. Develop
role is not difficult, but requires a lot of technique, patience and trial and error. The first few times go wrong, you have to do it again, pulling the flesh back in the water, sometimes come with "striae
" (as we call it) and also serves other
sometimes very thick or very thin.
What you should know is that according to what we want, we may cost more or less production.
To begin, we need materials that can buy or make a way home ...
Here is the sieve
: consists of two parts: a measurement framework in which we make the paper and another frame but this time with a
fabric "net" of the same size (exact ) of the frame.
hits: should be as sufficiently large
high, wide and long to allow us to enter the screen and work in depth without pro problems. The mine is plastic. newspaper canvas
press: in this case are two blocks of wood (coarse) or n as exceeding the size of our future role, remember that this is we will the thickness of our role. Along with the timber 4 brackets like butterflies to adjust on 4 sides of the timber. interlining : this is a fabric that we per allows placing the paper and then dry. pulp. Having prepared the material we work processing. I gave it
Stingo in two parts: the actual development and pressed by hand and dried by the other.
Today we will see the actual development and pressing.
For this we must first prepare the pulp. We put in a water container with hand-cut paper. Suggest if we want to we place white paper white paper without any registration because then it us to stain the paper and tend to be with tonalities d greyish . This paper should be immersed for a few hours, I do not boil
nor leave days. If you want to do in the afternoon I put it in the early morning is not necessary so long.
When we see that this paper is embedded, we
crush. For this we need a blender
, it's easier (I did before with a mini
pimer but with the blender
going faster). (Do not use it for cooking but for making paper, ja
That's why I criticize, do not believe that.)
It puts flesh it slowly and with plenty of water to avoid destroying the mixer and will be consistent with this
TIP: do not let the flesh submerged in water for many days
because it rots (as I did). If you are not going to be able to use after a week,
escurranla . Give a little bit
not print? but the touch is pretty
re feeling of softness it has.
Once we have the flesh, we are able to make paper. So far it is easy?
Well, what comes is comfortable and producer
piacere. This is the time of the inclusions, ie placing flower petals or whatever you want on paper. They can do this in a recipient with the pulp, or once submerged in the trough
Here we see the flesh with the inclusions did. I placed the pan with water, and then the pulp. How to calculate the amount of pulp that I need? that what you see, must have reference to a container as a cup, and be putting in a bit. The first time is likely to require several
paper cups to get the desired thickness, but with a single cup is not enough. I put the
Pirma get 3 to 4 large cups and then I placed one at a time, but that depends on the thickness you want.
Once I added inclusions "
massaging" the water with the pulp, ie, I make moves so that the pulp will
moving and not submerged; took the sieve, put on
under the fly (top
going under solo) and make a move so I'm dipping the bottom sieve
up, 90 degrees to be at 180 Do you understand? to see if they appreciate in the picture?
Come? I go by little dipping the sieve until you see the flesh is in it. Should be provided so
and couples
Fijense that
under no fabric is up and holding
paper is to fly. Once done
wring you to get the excess water, this of course is done with
much care and delicacy.
Here are the sieve without up under . Once done, we put the paper on a flat surface. How we do it? We or not the LOCK is wood, put a newspaper and an interlining up this role. A Once this is done to put the sieve so that the paper is on the interlining ...
So it should be. Once you do this step, with a canvas
try absorb water (you should be such that we use for kitchen). We go back and forth, slowly and carefully. With the finger, we emphasize all the contours to be taking off the paper.
Once done, you remove the strainer ...
Fijate that I take on one side, and look if they are not being bits of paper stuck, if so, replace the bottom screen with your finger and squeeze the cloth mosquito net. Do not worry about the first paper, it usually is discarded because it goes wrong, but the second it comes out better. Once I remove the strainer, placed a interlining up the paper and slowly and carefully, step by hand to crush and prep plowing the area for the next paper ...
Once all the paper I wanted, I press it
. Put the other
wood block over the last interlining. Volume butterfly hardware and placed one on each side of the wood. I advise you do this
in a place where you can drain the water, because although we have taken liquid left and
muchooooo , so here
hacelo in the yard, I'll tell you why ...
After that you place a vertical press to drain all the water go and go! wait a little while to get the paper
BEAUTY Hint: Once you've finished all
make yourself a good moisturizing cream
in the hands because you ruin a lot.
How to clean the items
of work: First
must take the role was in the trough. How?
footage pulp dryer, place a cotton canvas
and go little by little, putting the excess paper with water, that will allow water to drain, never throw the paper
in the drain pipe and throw it in the toilet !!!!!!
And then the rest washed with water.
Any questions you have been let me know, so I can clarify.
I hope they serve. Mariela